








2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,295  WARN , [JvmPauseMonitor], util.JvmPauseMonitor:, Detected  pause 拷贝JVM 或是host  machine  (eg  GC):, pause  of  approximately  83095 ms   GC  pool “ParNew”, had 集合(s):,数=2,=216毫秒的时间   GC  pool “ConcurrentMarkSweep”, had 集合(s):,数=2,=330毫秒的时间   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,295  WARN , [regionserver60020], util.Sleeper:, slept 我方表示歉意85995小姐instead  of  3000 ms,,却;能够is  likely  due 用a  long  garbage  collecting  pause 以及它's  usually 坏,阅读http://hbase.apache.org/book.html trouble.rs.runtime.zkexpired   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,295  INFO , [regionserver60020-SendThread (zookeeper2:2181)], zookeeper.ClientCnxn:, Client  session  timed ,, have  not  heard 得到server 拷贝95659小姐for  sessionid  0 x25053f6801406ac, closing  socket  connection 以及attempting 重新连接   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,291  WARN , [regionserver60020.compactionChecker], util.Sleeper:, slept 我方表示歉意89894小姐instead  of  10000,女士,却;能够is  likely  due 用a  long  garbage  collecting  pause 以及它's  usually 坏,阅读http://hbase.apache.org/book.html trouble.rs.runtime.zkexpired   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,291  WARN , [regionserver60020.periodicFlusher], util.Sleeper:, slept 我方表示歉意89894小姐instead  of  10000,女士,却;能够is  likely  due 用a  long  garbage  collecting  pause 以及它's  usually 坏,阅读http://hbase.apache.org/book.html trouble.rs.runtime.zkexpired   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,291  INFO , [regionserver60020-SendThread (zookeeper3:2181)], zookeeper.ClientCnxn:, Client  session  timed ,, have  not  heard 得到server 拷贝89644小姐for  sessionid  0 x1505ebc2da3010f, closing  socket  connection 以及attempting 重新连接   2015 - 10 - 13,23:47:12,397  FATAL  [regionserver60020], regionserver.HRegionServer:, ABORTING  region  server  hregion151, 1444732375821: 60020年,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.YouAreDeadException:, server  REPORT 拒绝;,currently  processing  hregion151, 60020, 1444732375821, as  dead 服务器



2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.314 + 0800:, 165.893:, (GC  [1, CMS-initial-mark:, 32523 k (63872 k)], 35370 k (83008 k),,, 0.0185230秒],[*:用户=0.01,sys=0.02,,真正的=0.01,秒),   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.333 + 0800:, 165.912:, (CMS-concurrent-mark-start)   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.402 + 0800:, 165.981:, [CMS-concurrent-mark: 0.046/0.069,秒],[*:用户=0.32,sys=0.03,,真正的=0.07,秒),   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.402 + 0800:, 165.982:, (CMS-concurrent-preclean-start)   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.411 + 0800:, 165.990:, [CMS-concurrent-preclean: 0.008/0.009,秒],[*:用户=0.02,sys=0.00,,真正的=0.01,秒),   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.411 + 0800:, 165.990:, (CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean-start)   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.414 + 0800:, 165.993:, (165.993: GC  [ParNew:, 18503 k, 2112 k (19136 k),,, 0.0681050秒),51027 k, 37708 k (83008 k),,, 0.0682600秒],[*:用户=0.03,sys=0.07,,真正的=0.06,秒),   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.535 + 0800:, 166.115:, [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean: 0.028/0.124,秒],[*:用户=0.15,sys=0.09,,真正的=0.13,秒),   2015 - 10 - 13 - t18:35:47.536 + 0800:, 166.115:, (GC [YG 入住率:,14168,K  (19136, K)) 166.115:, (Rescan (平行),,,,0.0024340秒)166.117:,(weak  refs 处理,,,0.0001320秒],[1,CMS-remark:, 35596 K (63872 K)], 49765 K (83008 K),,, 0.0026970秒],[*:用户=0.03,sys=0.00,,真正的=0.00,秒),   null   null   null   null   null   null   null   null   null   null   null   null
